I have been living in Berlin since 2004. Since 2005 I have been working as an intercultural trainer/facilitator and moderator in Germany, in Europe and internationally (Algeria, Ghana, Armenia, Togo...). I am a trainer of the EU Salto-Youth Network. In 2014 and 2015 I was a member and of the AFNB Academy for Neuroscientific Education Management in Cologne.
Born in France in 1979, I spent my childhood in Lagos, Nigeria and in Seoul, South Korea. These periods of my life have had a strong influence on me and made me curious about other cultures.
In Paris, I studied international trade, politics and social and humanitarian management. Parallel to my studies at the university, I spent a year at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris taking courses on art history. In San Francisco, I deepened my knowledge of English and worked for Amnesty International. In Berlin, I did an EVS (European Voluntary Service) with the Cabuwazi Circus in 2004. In 2005 I worked for the Berliner Arbeitskreis für politische Bildung [Bapob e.V.]. Since then I have been working as a freelancer.
As a trainer, I use methods of non-formal education. Inspirations for my creativity come as well from theatre, circus, music or dance.
I have been performing as a storyteller for various events since 2010. I have worked a.o. as a speaker for storytelling workshops for the Goldmund Academy, FEZ Berlin and the National Agency Education for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocationalamong others.